Много читал на makepizdato о стоках Evanto и решил попробовать
Регистрация оч простая и быстрая. А вот дальше оказалось, что для каждого автора обязателен тест. Чтоб его пройти, нужно читать большой и длинный мануал для авторов. Голь на выдумку хитра и потому я просто загуглил ответы :) Слава серверам гугла и великим блогерам, которые вылили ответы с подробными комментариями.
Плюхнул в GraphicRiver одну работу, теперь жду апруваю :)
Продолжение следует...
Дополнено 13.01.2013
Спустя почти месяц мои работы отклонили с пометкой "Мягкий отказ", по причине описанной ниже.
Reason: Unfortunately your submission requires some modification before being listed on GraphicRiver. After correcting the issues below, please feel free to resubmit your file(s). Please be sure to completely read this email and address all requests before resubmitting your file. Incomplete or Inaccurate Description Please update your Item Description to include a list of all file types included in the download along with how editable or customizable each file is. For instance, some files may included outlined text, which should be indicated in the description. Please be certain to specify if there is a main file and it's level of customization. Please be as detailed as possible to help buyers when considering your item. Also note any elements that are visible in the preview that are NOT included in the download, such as outside assets, fonts, images or other resources. When resubmitting files, please make sure you click the Save Changes button. For more information please refer to the Step-by-Step Guide to the Upload Process: http://support.envato.com/index.php?/Knowledgebase/Article/View/354/0/a-step-by-step-guide-to-the-upload-process Incorrect File Format The submission was created in Adobe Illustrator. GraphicRiver requires files for this category to be provided in EPS10 format. Saving your file as an EPS10 will ensure that it can be opened by a wide selection of vector editing software. Authors can provide additional file formats as well. Please review the Vectors Category Submission Requirements Page: http://support.envato.com/index.php?/Knowledgebase/Article/View/422/0/vectors-category-submission-requirements For additional techniques and information about EPS10: http://vector.tutsplus.com/articles/help-with-selling-vector-stock-in-eps10-format/ Incorrectly Labelled or Sized Preview Image. Preview Images should be named with the following convention: xx_aname.jpg Where XX is a leading, double-digit number starting at 01. Preview Images should be 590 pixels wide and smaller than 900 pixels tall. When making changes, please be sure to click the Save Changes button before resubmitting. For more information please refer to the Step-by-Step Guide to the Upload Process: http://support.envato.com/index.php?/Knowledgebase/Article/View/354/0/a-step-by-step-guide-to-the-upload-process Thank you for your submission to GraphicRiver.
На GraphicRiver ставлю огромный крест. Возможно временно, но крест.
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